Lists are so satisfying to me. Especially the kind I can cross things off!
These lists are different though. The ones I started with are the "local" obligations and the "regional and state" obligations. I still need to do the personal ones.
But here is the local:
- Work at my lovely library 35 +/- hrs per week (and all it includes!)
- Municipal Alliance Against Drugs and Alcohol Abuse (1 Wed/month)
- The BB Chamber of Commerce (2nd Monday)
- The Friends of the BB Library (1st Monday)
- Board of Trustees Meeting (4th Monday)
- Memorial Day parade committee
- CJRLC exec board (3rd Thursday)
- NJLA exec board (3rd Tuesday)
- NJLA- YA Section
- NJLA - IT Section
- NJLA - Small Libraries Roundtable
- NJLA - Conference Committee
- NJLA - Leadership and Education subcommittee (Chair)
- Emerging Leaders facilitator and organizer
- NJLA Special Populations Roundtable
I won't do the whole personal list but it involved blogging, which is something that I have always WANTED to devote time to. So now, with this, I am making it a priority. Even before the personal list is complete.
Wish me luck!