Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Official Reorg begins!

I came home from Minneapolis with the thought that I was going to "reorg" my life. I have way too much going on and not enough time or energy to do it all. So I decided that I needed to start thinking about the things that were really important to me and what I really wanted to focus on. So I've started with the lists. I have made a couple of them.

Lists are so satisfying to me. Especially the kind I can cross things off!

These lists are different though. The ones I started with are the "local" obligations and the "regional and state" obligations. I still need to do the personal ones.

But here is the local:
  1. Work at my lovely library 35 +/- hrs per week (and all it includes!)
  2. Municipal Alliance Against Drugs and Alcohol Abuse (1 Wed/month)
  3. The BB Chamber of Commerce (2nd Monday)
  4. The Friends of the BB Library (1st Monday)
  5. Board of Trustees Meeting (4th Monday)
  6. Memorial Day parade committee
And here is the regional/state:
  1. CJRLC exec board (3rd Thursday)
  2. NJLA exec board (3rd Tuesday)
  3. NJLA- YA Section
  4. NJLA - IT Section
  5. NJLA - Small Libraries Roundtable
  6. NJLA - Conference Committee
  7. NJLA - Leadership and Education subcommittee (Chair)
  8. Emerging Leaders facilitator and organizer
  9. NJLA Special Populations Roundtable
Wow! No wonder I am tired! And the truth is not all of these things are as important to me as others. So it becomes a selection process now. Choosing what best fits with my current interests and desires and needs as a small public librarian, who is also a self-confessed "leadership junkie"!!

I won't do the whole personal list but it involved blogging, which is something that I have always WANTED to devote time to. So now, with this, I am making it a priority. Even before the personal list is complete.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

vinod said...

i am working as a librarian in india.your blog is very interesting.wish you all the best.